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10 Steps to Build the Virtue of Discipline and Constancy

Very successful people have mastered these steps; that's why they have already reached the high pedestal of achievement.

From Master Del Pe's, 'The Third Eye: A Universal Secret Revealed', a groundbreaking book guiding readers to apply the spiritual technology of enlightened Masters for their own illumination and self-mastery.

1. Set your goals clearly and implement them properly.

Set your targets and goals clearly and know by heart your most important roles and end results. Make sure that your goals are important and form a good part of your life's vision. It is not enough to be constant in effort if the direction and purpose of the goal to be accomplished are not positive, certain or clear. Know your goals and required results, quantitatively and qualitatively, by writing them until you are clear and definite about them. Constantly focusing on them in good and even bad times is the key to discipline. Remind yourself of your goals and results in your calendar or planner, and use reminders throughout your house or work place. Put them into a slogan or motto. An organisation or team can do the same.

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

Eleanor Roosevelt, civil rights advocate

2. Go the extra mile in effort and time.

Mastery of any work or endeavour needs more time than normal and the force of disciplined will. In general, you do best where you invest more time, energy, resources and effort with constancy and unwavering focus.

The most successful people are those who are able to go the extra mile in effort

and spend more time doing the most important things that bring greater value to life.

3. Put your strategy and schedule on paper.

Write a practical strategy and schedule that specifies the exact dates and time needed to accomplish the goals, and accommodate the activity that produces the required results. Follow the schedule and deadlines you set for yourself strictly without compromise. Writing and knowing the schedules and results are not enough to be disciplined. You need to implement strategies and monitor your results. Adjust accordingly based on your periodic evaluation.

4. Make a habit of finishing what you start.

Finish what you start as much as possible. For most successful people, this is already a habit, but it can always be improved upon. You may start with smaller and short-term foals and projects that inspire you to get into the habit of finishing what you start. If you have done this several times successfully with smaller targets, then achieving larger global goals becomes less and less difficult.

5. Focus on results guided by virtues.

Focus on the results, but do not compromise virtues in implementing the process. Sometimes people sacrifice processes and procedures just to achieve what they want, even to the extent of violating virtues. This is counterproductive in the end, just like athletes who take steroids to enhance their performance in the Olympic Games, but end up losing it all when their medals are revoked. Or business people and politicians who achieve their goals in the short run, but experience bigger failure later on. Study the case of Enron for a clearer example of this.

Real discipline takes into account the right virtue and process to achieve the best results.

Do not forget that your goals are just steps to long-term plans, and it is not the end of the world for you if you do not achieve them. After you do your best, be detached to whatever results follow and accept them. It is your attitude, after all, that matters.

6. Success and be alive.

Work to achieve the best results in the shortest time, but make sure you survive. Successful practitioners are more useful to greater numbers of people healthy and alive than sick or dead. Do not sacrifice your health or life just foe one goal you set. You are not the goal. It is just one of the targets your have created. The goal is not you. You have more things to achieve than one goal. Therefore, avoid being excessive and causing great discomfort to yourself or others or loss of life in pursuit of goals.

One should not mistakenly interchange courage and foolish fanaticism.

These might be similar qualities but they are not the same attitude.

7. Have a contingency plan and avoid surprises.

List all attitudes and obstacles that negate your goals and results, and work them out. Plan contingencies to solve anticipated problems and avoid surprises. Develop the skills, aptitudes and attitudes needed for your next steps or goals. My book, From Success to Fulfillment: Applying the Wisdom of the Himalayan Masters (available at includes self-assessment of 5 key areas of life and profiling forms to help you with periodic assessment to balance your life.

8. Handle adversity properly.

Discipline is best tested and developed where there is a critic or presence of competition. Therefore, implement goals with a sense of urgency. If confronted with competition, approach it in a detached, balanced way that avoids creating enemies or destroying your adversaries, even competing companies.

9. Get a qualified coach-mentor.

Do not only rely on your own natural capabilities. For important goals affecting many people, it’s good to get another persepective from a coach or mentor who is a wiser person or an expert. Select your coach or mentor based on their track record and mastery of universal virtues.

10. Be creatively adaptable.

Change or adjust your goals and targets if they are destructive or counterproductive to your life.

In these modern times when life’s pace is so fast and the demands and challenges are more complex, mastering the virtue of discipline and constancy brings a great advantage. This is a virtue that makes great spiritual practitioners, successful business people, extraordinary athletes, brilliant scientists, Saints and Sages excel in whatever endeavours and goals they embody. Not all of these groups have mastered benevolence, but all of them have the discipline and constancy of focus and effort to be successful. This is where the best soldiers and saints are similar. They are both constant in their aim and constancy of effort.


The Third Eye: A Universal Secret Revealed

The Third Eye: A Universal Secret Revealed

Applying the Spiritual Technology of Enlightened Masters for Your Own Illumination and Self-Mastery

This groundbreaking book, with its never-before revealed diagrams and related spiritual technology will illuminate you on the magical uses of the Third Eye. It is based on more than two decades of Master Del Pe's original research, experimentation, personal experiences and training with 4 enlightened Masters from the East.


- The chart of the current changes called the new age from year 2010 onwards

- 35 Third Eye Illustrations

- 20 Kundalini and Sacred Fire graphics

- 9 diagrams of the different aura designs

- 8 key virtues to achieve self-mastery

From Success To Fulfillment

From Success to Fulfillment

Applying the Wisdom of the Himalayan Masters

This unique book offers you practical teachings that do not duplicate current books, audio programs and seminars about success. This book's principles, tools, strategies and self-assessments are applicable to top executives, managers, supervisors and employees, as well as new professionals right out of school to attain the quality of life they aspire to without sacrificing health and personal life. For entrepreneurs, this is an invaluable handbook for taking your business to the next level faster and with better, more predictable results.

- Build your stamina fast, live longer and be happier.

- Develop extraordinary will-power to finish what you start faster.

- Become a mental powerhouse in your organization.

- Release emotional and mental blockages that can undermine your success and fulfillment and more!

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