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Major fields of study

and career paths

for those who want to work for the

New Humanity's development


EARN,GROW and SERVE in the most special way



Pursue the path until you become the path


Live your greatest life in your relentless pursuit to master yourself

14 Major Fields of Study and Career Paths


Healing Science and Life Coaching

Service Role: Healing Science Specialist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Self-Development Science

Service Role: Balanced-Mentor and Strategist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Meditation Science

Service Role: Meditation Specialist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Advanced Human Intelligence

Service Role: Human Intelligence Specialist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Will-Power Development

Service Role: Will-Power Specialist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Esoteric Psychology

Service Role: Esoteric Psychologist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Esoteric Science

Service Role: Esoteric Scientist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Divine Alchemy

Service Role: Divine Alchemist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Spiritual Technology

Service Role: Spiritual Technologist/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Spiritual Entrepreneurship

Service Role: Spiritual Entrepreneurship Consultant/ Facilitator/ Trainer


World Service

Service Role: World Server/ Facilitator/ Trainer


Self-Mastery Science

Service Role: Self-Mastery Mentor/ Facilitator/ Trainer


BIHC Certifier and Curriculum Administrator

Service Role: BIHC Dean (different departments)


Path of the Master

Service Role: Master

Period of education and specialization for each path

  1. First level or base curriculum: Path Specialists and healing science specialist, associate level, require at least 3 to 6 months for the first level certification (with practicum of 3 to 6 months).

  2. Path Facilitator: Facilitators for first level or base curriculum subjects will require 6 months to one year depending whether they are enrolled in a fast track immersion program or online studies or intermittent training schedule.

  3. Second Level or Specialization Curriculum: Path Specialists and healing science specialists, full-fledged level require a minimum of 1 year of immersion program with complete ongoing practicum or maximum of 3 years intermittent study program schedule.

  4. Trainer: Instructor for the different paths require 2 to 4 years of immersion training and much of administrative service practicum.

  5. Mentor: For the different paths, mentorship requires 2 to 4 years of comprehensive study and immersion to practical service under those lines of specializations. There are 4 levels of mentorship from associate to full-fledged, senior and master mentor.

  6. BIHC Dean: To be a dean of any path, you need to be an advanced trainer and also a certifier. To be a certifier, one has to be first an examiner and senior trainer. The range of exposure to the path of specialization ranges from 5 years to 10 years. One has to be an advanced soul to manage this level of responsibility.

  7. Master: Master role has to have a proven track record of being a specialist for at least 3 paths, a dean role for at least 5 years, a world server for at least 10 years and an advanced initiate already by esoteric standards of at least the 4th degree initiation.

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